Business Turnaround Management Graduate Certificate

The Detroit Mercy graduate certificate program in Business Turnaround Management is based on the concept that saving a struggling firm requires specialized management techniques that differ somewhat from the traditional tools developed in MBA programs that focus on growing healthy organizations.

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MBA students may use their three MBA electives to earn a concentration in Business Turnaround Management.

To earn the Certificate in Business Turnaround Management (BTM), two additional BTM elective courses are required.

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Full-time or Part-time

A student may apply for this certificate program on a full-time and part-time status. Full-time student status usually involves nine or more credit hour courses, while part-time students usually have a one to eight credit hour load in Terms I and II.

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Convenient Class Scheduling

The entire certificate program is available online. See Introduction to Taking Classes Online

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Rooted in the Jesuit and Mercy traditions, the College champions academic excellence and good character by encouraging intellectual, spiritual, ethical and social growth.

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

Guest Student Status

Individuals currently enrolled in another AACSB accredited MBA program may obtain Guest Student Status at University of Detroit Mercy for a limited number of courses by providing a statement of good standing from their school's dean or program director, or by applying for guest student status using a Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate School form (MIGS). The MIGS application can be obtained in the Graduate Business Programs Office.

International Students

International students should consult with the International Student Admissions.


The Certificate in Business Turnaround Management is a 15 credit hour program.

Required Courses

Elective Courses (3 courses needed)


Academic Standing

While an individual may be admitted into the Certificate Program on a regular-acceptance basis, it is possible that the individual's eventual cumulative GPA may fall below a 3.0 in any particular term. When this situation occurs, the student automatically is placed on "Academic Probation." This status dictates that the student's cumulative GPA must continue to improve in each consecutive term thereafter until the cumulative GPA reaches 3.0 and is then sustained at that level or higher. If, after being placed on Academic Probation, the student's cumulative GPA does not improve in each subsequent term, the student will be academically dismissed.

Residence and Time Requirements

Students who have not completed their required Certificate Program within two years may be subject to re-evaluation and additional coursework. Students not enrolled for more than two consecutive terms (without prior approval of the program director) may be required to re-apply for admission.

Student Responsibilities

Students in the College of Business Administration are responsible and accountable for knowledge of the requirements and procedures set forth by the College and University. This includes the Student Academic Integrity policy available on our website. Administrators, advisors and faculty are available to assist students by explaining the various requirements and procedures for each program. However, the ultimate responsibility for compliance rests with the student.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

Students in the Certificate Program are required to achieve and maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale). A 3.0 cumulative GPA is required for final completion of the program requirements.

About CBA


For more information about our Graduate Business Programs, including our MBA, MBA/MHSA and JD-MBA programs, please send your inquiries to: Dr. Wonseok Choi
Director of Graduate Business Programs Carrol Parris
Coordinator of Student Services

Contact Admissions

The application process may differ based on what type of incoming student you are. Please visit our admission page to learn more and apply online.