Attorney Referral Fees in California - A Complete Guide

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As one of the few states that operates as a pure referral jurisdiction, attorneys in California have more flexibility in setting and using referral fees as part of their practice. Pure referral fees means that, unlike the ABA Model Rules, attorneys in California do not need to base referral fees on actual work completed or accept joint responsibility. Following a 2018 revision to the California Rules of Professional Conduct (CRPC), attorneys in California have clear guidelines on how to structure referral fees. The state has also provided additional opinions to give attorney guidance on the subject.

California Rules

Attorneys should be aware that these rules apply only to referrals from, by, and to attorneys. While the CRPC does address financial arrangements with non-lawyers, those agreements fall under a different part of the law and are not relevant when addressing referral fees.

Under the 2018 revision, Rule 1.5.1 governs referral fees in California. To set up a referral fee agreement, attorneys must be able to show the following: