A railway turnout system, also known as a switch and points, is a mechanical device that enables railway trains to be guided from one track to another. Railway turnout systems are essential components of railway infrastructure. They allow trains to change direction, branch off onto sidings, and navigate complex junctions. There are many different types of turnouts, and they are used in a variety of applications. It is important to maintain turnouts properly to ensure that they can safely guide trains from one track to another.
Veera Techno Trec has been a leading railway turnout manufacturer of various types and specifications. These turnouts are manufactured as per RDSO approved designs. VTTPL has its own design department, our qualified design engineers ensure the perfect start of turnouts manufacturing. We also manufacture turnouts as per custom designs from clients. Followings is the range turnouts products manufactured by us.
Railway turnout systems are used in a variety of applications, including: Railway junctions: Turnouts are used to allow trains to change direction at junctions. Sidings: Turnouts are used to allow trains to switch onto sidings, which are short tracks that are used to store trains or to allow trains to pass each other. Crossovers: Turnouts are used to allow trains to cross from one track to another. Depot entrances: Turnouts are used to allow trains to enter and exit depots.
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