Flag announcement: Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is a day of special significance to all Australians, commemorating the loss of Australian lives in all wars, conflicts and peace operations.

On Remembrance Day, 11 November 2023, Australian Government departments and agencies are asked to observe the protocol to fly the Australian National Flag at half-mast to remember the sacrifice of all those who have died for Australia. Other organisations are welcome to participate.

The Australian National Flag should be flown at the peak from approximately 8:00 am (local time) until precisely 10:30 am when it should be adjusted to the half-mast position. At 11:02 am the Australian National Flag should be moved back to the peak for the remainder of the day. This protocol allows for the traditional ceremonial duties to be carried out, including a minute of silence from 11:00 am.

In accordance with flag protocol, all flags and ensigns at each flag station should be flown at half-mast during this time. However, should it be the custom to fly the flags of other nations at your flag station, it would be appropriate to seek permission from the diplomatic representatives of that nation to half-mast its flag.

Information on how to conduct a Remembrance Day ceremony can be found on the Anzac Portal.

Information on flag protocol can be found on the Department’s website.

The financial and staffing implications arising from weekend flag marshal duties are the responsibility of each organisation.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Commonwealth Flag Officer